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Adult Faith Formation

The work of evangelization always begins at “home.” This means first the “home” of our own hearts and then the “home” of our parish.  The first stage of evangelization, then, is always one’s own being evangelized, through a personal commitment to a life of continual conversion in Christ through the life of the Church.  This work that takes place in the “inner man” (Eph 3:16) spills over into a call to conversion in the parish, where those who are actively practicing their faith must hear and accept the invitation to an ever deeper life of intimacy with Christ.  This is the very heart of evangelization—the stage without which our outreach to inactive Catholics and those who do not know God cannot bear fruit.

It is for this reason that adult faith formation is an indispensable part of evangelization.  Those who wish to evangelize, must first commit themselves to growth and maturity in their own life of faith so that the truth they communicate remains authentic and convincing, rooted and grounded in Christ (Eph 3:17).  An integrated adult faith formation program proceeds on two major levels:  spiritual development and intellectual/personal development.

Adult Faith Formation Resources

Networking for Parish Leaders

D/CAFFE Meetings
D/CAFFE=Directors/Coordinators of Adult Faith Formation and Evangelization – Visit our Events page for upcoming meetings

D/CAFFE Online Forum
Archdiocesan parish leaders also stay connected using an online discussion forum powered by If you are a parish leader in the area of adult faith formation or evangelization in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, please join the conversation!  To request permission to join, send an email to


Recommended Adult Faith Formation Programs

Excellent Catholic Adult Faith Formation Programs and Publishers